Trademark Registration
What is a trademark and how can someone register it under the Thai law?
A trademark is a sign that distinguishes the good and services of one trader from those in others. Typically, a trademark can be words including e.g.
Personal names
A combination or Separate Letters, Numerals and Characters
Shape of the goods or their packaging
(or any combination stated above)
A sign must be capable of being represented graphically in order for it to be registered as a trademark. However, like in most other countries trademark is registered under the Department of Intellectual Property, in Thailand it is almost the same adding only that it falls under the Thai Ministry of Commerce, in addition Thailand uses its own system to classify Goods and Services.
Registering a trademark in Thailand is subject to the following 3 criteria;
A Trademark must be distinctive
A Trademark must not be prohibited by the Thai Trademark Act
(This Act prohibits the registration of a trademark which contains any of the following)
Any royal or government emblems or seals
National or royal flags
Royal names or any representation or reference to the Monarchy
Symbols of any international organization
A Trademark must not be similar to any mark that already registered by other traders.