Thailand FDA (Food and Drugs Administration) License

Thailand FDA (Food and Drugs Administration) License

Thailand’s Food and Drug Administration is a governing body that is responsible for the protection of the consumer’s health and safety by ensuring the effectiveness of all manufactured and imported products that concerns and may affect the health of the local consumers in Thailand. It is most probable that you will be needing this license in able to operate a business that involves both (Manufactured and Imported) health products such as;

  • Medical Devises

  • Food and Health Supplements

  • Drug and Narcotics

  • Cosmetics

Normally you can apply it by yourself by complying to all necessary requirements given by the FDA, but if you are thinking for the best and hassle-free way of obtaining the said license, then worry no more, simply hand over all the complicated process and work to our team of professionals here at JT legal Consults simply because we live in our commitments to all our clients in providing the most fastest and cost effective way possible to obtain all their legal goal.